Healing, Empowerment, Connection

Find out how music can have a positive impact on our wellbeing; helping us ease anxiety, express difficult emotions, and improve a sense of connection with ourselves and others.

hands holding musical instrument

Making music available to all

The common thread to wellbeing through music is music’s powerful capacity to make connections between people and the emotional response we have as humans to sound and music even when we are not in a good place.

As well as helping to form and sustain the musical relationship between people (client and therapist), music can in turn uplift and console and just as often share joy as well as sadness and difficulty.

The way we work means that no musical experience is necessary to access music therapy.

In sessions we may play music together using easy-to-play percussion instruments, we may speak or listen to music, often finding a simple, shared musical beat. The therapist takes the lead from you and we share a musical experience over time through music and by building trust.