Classroom Music

We have a range of fun and interactive services to support and enhance schools’ music offering in the classroom across different age ranges

wema classroom music

Music Making in Schools


Beat Bus! 

The project develops musical skills in pulse, rhythm and pitch, using body, voice and tuned percussion. Beat Bus will be delivered in a whole class setting by one Music Teacher Advice and information to meet with a school’s individual needs. We provide all instruments and resources.

Included in the cost is: 

  • All resources and topic related materials including instruments
  • Each session is for a maximum of 32 pupils
  • A 30 minute lesson with 15 minutes planning, liaison, and set up each week. 

Cost: £275.50 per class for 10 sessions (one term) 

Music Explorers 


A programme of instrumental learning through whole class ensemble teaching which takes place during the school day. It forms an integral part of a progressive school music curriculum and is recommended for 30 weeks for pupils in Year 4 or 5. This is delivered in collaboration with the school staff. This can be the class teacher, or Music Explorers can be used as PPA cover as long as another adult is participating. There will be an additional charge for PPA cover. You can choose from 30 week, 20 week or 10 week programmes.

Schools can choose from: 

  • Strings: violin, viola, cello, ukulele, and guitar
  • Woodwind: clarinet, sax, recorder, fife, flute, and toot
  • Brass: cornet, trombone, French horn, and pocket trumpet
  • Drumming: samba and djembe 

We provide: 

  • All instruments and resources
  • One music teacher
  • Advice and information to meet each schools needs
  • Access to our Star Awards to recognise achievement and progression
  • An initial meeting with our teacher to talk through the programme and discuss any school needs. 

Cost: 10 week programme of 45 minute sessions: £275; 60 minute sessions costs £313. 

These prices are subsidised by WEMA. Bookings can be taken for 10, 20 or 30 weeks. Schools are not permitted to pass on charges to parents for this programme. 

Curriculum Music / PPA Cover Lessons 


Music lessons provided in schools throughout the school day to deliver classroom music curriculum at primary or secondary level as determined by the school in collaboration with the Music Hub. 

What do we provide? 

  • Music lessons on a weekly basis through term time, with the length of the lesson determined by the school, in collaboration with us.
  • A progressive learning process with regular monitoring and assessments
  • You can also choose to use the Beat Bus or Music Explorers option for this, but the PPA fee. 

What if I need instruments or Curriculum Advice? 

Our specialist schools’ music team are available to visit your school to carry out an instrumental audit and advise you on replacing and expanding your instrumental resources or support the development of your curriculum. 

Cost: £72 per hour 

Costs include an end of year assessments for reports. We provide PPA time to the teacher as part of the package. 


Let’s Sing! 

Let’s Sing is a five week Primary singing programme, providing progressive sessions with a performance opportunity. Engaging with this programme also has the benefit of up-skilling class teachers and ultimately raising the standard of singing in schools. It is available to any class or year group, and schools may book as many five week courses as they wish through the year. We provide fully qualified and experienced teachers who are passionate about singing.

Cost: Five week programme of 45 minute sessions costs £150. These prices are subsidised by WEMA.

Schools are not permitted to pass on charges to parents for this programme. 

World Music Workshops

These workshops offer students an opportunity to experience and explore music from different cultures. Our workshop leaders will come to your school and lead half or whole day workshops on a theme of your choice. Workshops can be offered per hour. 

Carribean Steel Pans 

Mini Pans for KS1 (Cost Code B)

full size pans plus mini pans for KS2-5 (Cost Code A) 

Indonesian Gamelan KS2-3, Cost Code A 

Unique percussion instruments playing music based on numbers 

Japanese Taiko Drumming Workshop KS2-5, Cost Code A 

Building up a composition using Taiko drums and a variety of rhythms Whole Day option only available 

African Music & Drumming Workshop KS1-3, Cost Code B 

Exploring African songs, music and instruments 

Brazilian Samba Workshop KS1-2, Cost Code B 

Building up a composition using Samba instruments and Samba rhythms 

Indian Music & Culture Workshop KS1-2, Cost Code B 

Exploring Indian songs, movement and instruments 


Please contact us for current prices for the 2024-2025 year.

(If not part of a package. Small schools (<100 on roll) receive a 20% discount on the first workshop per school year) 

Live Music 

Live Music does what it says on the tin, delivering live music sessions to both primary and secondary schools, performed by our Music Teachers who are all professional musicians. 

We provide: 

Various small groups of approx 3-5 musicians performing a variety of music from different genres; from classical and rock & pop to jazz, funk and soul. question and answer time, discussion about instruments. 

The fee includes: 

A 45 minute session which will include performance, questions and answers, discussion about instruments 

Cost: £270 per 45 minute performance 

GCSE Live Music offer 

In addition to the Live Music offer detailed above, if requested, a piece or pieces relevant to the GCSE Music course content can be added. 

Cost: £270 per 45 minute performance 


Upcoming Events

Search for events, concerts and cultural events from WEMA and beyond.

Voices Together

STARTS: 03-03-25 - 10:00am
ENDS: 03-03-25 - 2:30pm
VENUE: St Michael’s Centre, Bristol

Big Sing – Bristol

STARTS: 21-03-25 - 10:00am
ENDS: 21-03-25 - 2:30pm
VENUE: St Michael’s Centre, Bristol

Big Sing – Bath

STARTS: 20-03-25 - 10:00am
ENDS: 20-03-25 - 2:30pm
VENUE: Pavilion, Bath