Events and Concerts

We organise concerts and music events through the year, both in and out of term-time

wema events and concerts

Music Making across the region

Primary Big Sing (KS2)

An all-day event for KS2 children and their teachers in BANES, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire. You will form part of a massed choir, learn new songs, build vocal skills and technique, and have a LOT of fun! This year we are delighted to have Emily Barden deliver our Big Sings. Emily is a professional composer, songwriter, choral director and workshop leader. As a bonus, Emily will lead a CPD session on Singing and Vocal Skills after the Weston and Bath events.

Click the button below to visit our Primary Big Sing page for full details and booking.

Voices Together (Secondary KS3 and KS4)

An all-day event for secondary school voices to sing together as a large, massed choir and for your school to perform as your own choir if you wish. An invited specialist singer and leader will work with the young people taking them through a rewarding day of learning, creativity and fun. Venue St Michael’s Community Centre, Little Stoke. This event is fully funded by the Music Service. Assistance with your travel costs may also be available. 

Click the button below to visit our Voices Together page for full details and booking.

Primary Choirs Festival (KS2)

An exciting, large scale event showcasing KS2 school choirs. An opportunity to perform to other choirs as well as coming together in one large, massed choir, singing specially selected songs. 

Cost: £59.50 per school (resources and performance) 
Date: Wednesday, July 2nd, 2025 
Venue: Bristol Beacon

Singing On (Year 5-6)

A music celebration event organised by WEMA between secondary schools and their feeder schools providing a platform to join together in song and instrumental groups. Primary aged students will experience live performance performed by secondary aged students as they explore aspects of the National Curriculum for Music and join together to sing and play in one massed ensemble. 

Cost: FREE
Dates: To be confirmed 


Upcoming Events

Search for events, concerts and cultural events from WEMA and beyond.

Voices Together

STARTS: 03-03-25 - 10:00am
ENDS: 03-03-25 - 2:30pm
VENUE: St Michael’s Centre, Bristol

Big Sing – Bristol

STARTS: 21-03-25 - 10:00am
ENDS: 21-03-25 - 2:30pm
VENUE: St Michael’s Centre, Bristol

Big Sing – Bath

STARTS: 20-03-25 - 10:00am
ENDS: 20-03-25 - 2:30pm
VENUE: Pavilion, Bath