Branding Guidelines

This page was updated in May 2024. If you are an existing funded programme, please update your use of our branding in line with the following.

Guidelines for WEMA branding

West of England Music and Arts (WEMA)

The WEMA brand is distinctive through:

  • The logo, featuring a sound-wave image
  • The close-up use of the sound-wave bars as a design feature and
  • The use of the three-colour palette throughout the design:
  • Yellow    #EDA80D  CMYK = 0,29,95,7  RGB = 237, 168, 13
  • Orange    #D85414   CMYK = 0,61,91,15 RGB = 216, 84, 20
  • Teal      #028577   CMYK = 98,0,11,48 RGB = 2, 133, 119

 WEMA must be accredited, where possible, using the text ‘In partnership with West of England Music and Arts’.

Use of the logo

Download logos here

There are two versions of the WEMA logo; rectangular and circular. Please choose the version which suits your design layout the best. Full colour versions are preferred; a greyscale and black and white versions are available if necessary. Logos must:

  • Must be in the original proportions, not deformed or distorted
  • Be of the original colouring. They must not be recoloured
  • Must be clearly visible over the background
  • Must be in the original designed form. Not altered, transformed or integrated into other images in any way, eg, adding a border, shadow or merging with another image
  • Must include clear space on all sides of at least 20% of the image width (eg if the image is 10cm wide, there must be at least 2cm of blank space on the left and right, above and below)

Must be of a size to ensure visibility, and be used as follows:


  • Rectangular logos – 70 pixels minimum
  • Square logo – 150 pixels minimum

Print A3

  • Rectangular logos – 18mm high
  • Square logo – 36mm high

and proportionally larger for sizes above A3 (eg A1 = 36mm high)

Print A4

  • Rectangular logos – 15mm high
  • Square logo – 30mm high

Print A5    

  • Rectangular logos – 12mm high
  • smaller Square logo – 24mm high

Social Media

Please acknowledge West of England Music and Arts in all posts relating the partnership activity:

Hashtags: #WestofEnglandMusic

Printed and digital collateral

The WEMA and DfE/ACE logos must be used in all printed and digital collateral. They should appear on the front or back cover of a programme, or on the appropriate page if part of a wider programme of events. On flyers, banners, flags, digital posts etc, they should appear in an appropriately prominent location, usually one of the four corners. They should be appropriately hierarchical, according the relative level of investment by the Alliance/DfE-ACE.

Speeches, press, film, sound and broadcast media

Press releases, interviews, public statements and speeches, film credits and audio announcements should acknowledge the partnership using the words ‘In partnership with West of England Music and Arts.'