Media Consent Form

Media Consent form

West of England Music and Arts

Media consent form

Occasionally we take images of people taking part in our activities so that we can share and celebrate achievements in our learning spaces, on social media, our website and promotional material. This includes the internet. 

We are asking for your permission to take and use these images. If the subject is a child under 16, the parent/carer must give and retract consent. If the subject is a vulnerable adult, the subject or their carer may give consent, as appropriate for the individual.

You can retract your consent at any time by writing to us at and we will immediately stop processing images. Please note though that whilst we are able to retrospectively remove content from our own digital sites, it is not always possible to remove hardcopy images (eg posters, banners) and we have no control over where images may have been shared by third parties.

We sometimes work in partnership with other trusted organisations to deliver our services. Where this is the case, it will be clearly indicated in the information and/or sign-up process.