Music for Wellbeing

Music has a unique impact on wellbeing, social, emotional and mental health and resilience.

Our wellbeing groups and projects are open to anyone to access and use musical activities to connect with participants’ needs. We work in schools, community and healthcare settings and from our Therapy and Wellbeing Centre. In schools, our projects are also a good opportunity for staff wellbeing or training.

We can offer schools tailor made advice on how to deliver a whole school approach to mental health through music.

Make positive connections through music and developing emotional resilience

  • Try out wellbeing strategies with a music focus
  • Find out how to get more music into our everyday lives to boost our wellbeing
  • Experience how music can both relax and energize
  • Create music together and improvise

N.B No previous experience of playing music needed!

Music can help to reduce our anxiety in different ways. Music can also stimulate, relax and regulate how we feel so we can utilise these effects in different ways.

Music can invigorate us! Music can help lift us and change our mood with the music we choose. Music can stimulate the brain as well as having an emotional affect, so it’s a great motivator!

Music can help us focus on the little things and not the big things that are out of our control. We can use music to connect to our creative selves and to find and take pleasure in the small things that we can create.

Music can regulate our feelings – bring us back on an even keel. Even just to tap a repeated rhythm or tapping the beat and feeling it through our bodies can help make a connection with our internal body rhythm.

Music also gives a sense of community – the evidence is there from neuroscience to say doing music with others – just clapping rhythms or singing a simple song with others makes us feel good. And when listening to our favourite music we can trigger the ‘pleasure-reward’ circuit in our brains releasing dopamine, the ‘feel good’ chemical!