Vacancy Application Form

Job Application Form
  • Personal Details
  • Education and Qualifications
  • Employment Details
  • Supporting Statement
  • Additional Questions
  • Referees
  • Declarations
  • Equal Opportunities Monitoring
  • Submit

West of England Music – job application form

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If you need help completing this form, please contact us.

Application type

Personal Information

Education and Qualifications

Please tell us about your education and qualifications. Start with the most recent and work backwards chronologically and include all formal post-secondary education (eg college/sixth form onwards).

If you need more space, please continue to add information in the same format in the box underneath these columns.

Employment details

Please detail all employment since leaving full time education. Start with the most recent employment and work backwards in order. If you need more lines that provided, please continue in the box underneath.

If you have been self-employed you can use the first text box to tell us about this work. 

All employment must be listed in the employment section.

If there are any gaps in your (self)-employment, you must tell us why.

Self Employment


Please continue, giving further employment history, showing dates, name of employer, your job title and a brief description of your duties

Supporting Statement

This section is an important part of your application. We need you to give specific information to support your application so that we can shortlist in a fair and unbiased way.

Please make sure you read and respond to the job description and person specification in your personal statement as these are the criteria we use to assess your application. 

We recommend that you provide as much evidence as possible to show how your skills, abilities, knowledge and experience meet the selection criteria in the job description/person specification or job family.

You should, wherever possible, give actual examples from your experience.

Additional Questions


You must provide details of 2 referees, one of which must be your current or most recent employer.

If you are applying for a role working with Children and/or vulnerable adults, both should be people who can comment on your work with these groups. If you are unable to provide this, please offer other referees, but we may need to seek further information about your previous work as part of our pre-employment checks. 


Equal opportunities monitoring information

The following information is not shared with the interview panel and is not part of any shortlisting or interview process

Submit your application

Please make sure you have completed all sections fully and accurately.

Then, click submit to send your application.